Cultural Expression
Léiriú Cultúrtha
On the Ireland 2016 cultural expression strand, literature programmes, arts projects, poetry and prose feature strongly on both the local authority Library Services, Arts Office, Roscommon Arts Centre, Heritage Office programmes in 2016. Various festival programmes next year such as the Strokestown Poetry Festival, Siarsceal Festival and Roscommon Drama Festival are developing specific 1916/2016 programme related events. The County Roscommon Heritage Forum are playing a key role in developing a number of events in relation to Folklore and Oral History, the Big House and 1916 and events for Heritage Week 2016.
3 & 24 MARCH & 7 APRIL ALL @ 6.30PM & 8PM 3 & 24 MÁRTA & 7 AIBREÁN
Library Services. Roscommon Co. Co Seirbhísí Leabharlainne. Comhairle Contae Ros Comáin
Reading the Rising Representations of early 20th Century Ireland in Literature. Irish literature of the times and reader development awareness programmes featuring Pearse, McDonagh, Plunkett and O’Casey. Series by Ciara Lynn Murphy. Booking through County Library.
Léitheoirí an Éirí Amach Sleachta as litríocht ón luath fichiú céad. Litríocht na hÉireann ó aimsir an Éirí Amach agus clár eolais do léitheoirí ina bhfuil tosaíocht tugtha don Phiarsach, McDonagh, Plunkett agus Ó Cathasaigh. Sraith le Ciara Lynn Ní Mhurchú. Ticéidí o leabharlann an chontae.
4–12 MARCH 2016 4–12 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon Arts Centre Ionad Ealaíon Ros Comáin 
Dare to Dream – Remembering 1916 An additional programme to the Roscommon Drama Festival in 2016 focussing on the aspirations of the leaders of the Rising from a dramatic perspective involving schools participation, ‘adopt a signatory’, theatre in 1916 and specially commissioned award.
Cloisim do Bhrionglóid Clár breise a chuirfear le Féile Drámaíochta Ros Comáin in 2016 ina ndíreofar ar ardaidhmeanna cheannairí an Éirí Amach ó pheirspictíocht drámata ina mbeidh scoileanna rannpháirteach, sínitheoir a uchtú, téatar i 1916 agus duais a choimisiúnófar go speisialta.
12 APRIL 2016 12 AIBREÁN 2016
Roscommon Arts Centre Ionad Ealaíon Ros Comáin 
Theatre - Madame de Markievicz on Trial By Ann Matthews. Autumn 1917 and Constance Markievicz is on trial for he death of a young, unarmed policemen during the 1916 Rising, that brings several historical characters to court. ‘Rising to the Stage’ Event
Amharclann: Triail Madam de Markievicz Le Ann Mathews. Fómhar 1917 agus tá Constance Markievicz ar triail do mharú an phóilín óig i rith 1916. Cuirtear roinnt carachtair stairiúla ós comhair cúirte. Mar chuid d’Imeachtaí ‘Éirí Amach ar an Stáitse’
22 APRIL 2016 @ 10AM 22 AIBREÁN 2016 @ 10AM
County Library, Roscommon and Schools Leabharlann an Chontae, Ros Comáin & Scoileanna
Centenary in Reflection Siarsceal Festival project involving poetry to art, poetry to music, prose and short story publications, adults and children’s themed to 1916/2016 and to celebrate 10 years of festival Centenary in Reflection Siarsceal Journal Launch: 6 October. www.siarsceal.com www.siarsceal.com
Súil Siar ar Chéad Bliain Tionscadal de chuid Fhéile Siarscéal ina bhfuil filíocht le healaín, filíocht le ceol, foilseacháin phróis agus gearrscéalta, le haghaidh daoine fásta agus leanaí leis an téama 1916/2016.
28 APRIL 2016 28 AIBREÁN 2016

Rebel, Revolutionise and Organise A celebration of Poetry Day Ireland with the theme of Revolution, with readings in venues including Libraries, coffee shops, schools, community centres and bookshops.
Rebel, Revolutionise and Organise Céiliúradh Lá Filíochta Éireann le téama na Réabhlóide. Cainteanna i suíomhanna éagsúla; leabharlanna, caiféanna, scoileanna, ionaid pobal agus siopaí leabhair.
28–30 APRIL 2016 28–30 AIBREÁN 2016
Roscommon Arts Centre Ionad Ealaíon Ros Comáin 
Theatre - A Nation Once Again Roscommon Drama Group and Roscommon Solstice Choir in association with the Roscommon Lamb Festival: See the great events of the 1916 Rising re-enacted on stage and hear the stories and the ballads of the 1798 to 1916 era. ‘Rising to the Stage’ Event
Amharclann: A Nation Once Again Grúpa drama Ros Comáin agus Cór Solstice Ros Comáin I gcomhair le Féile an Uain Ros Comáin. Mór imeachtaí an Éirí Amach léirithe ar an stáitse chomh maith le scéalta agus bailéid ó 1798 go dtí 1916. Mar chuid d’Imeachtaí ‘Éirí Amach ar an Stáitse’
29 APRIL–1 MAY 2016 29 AIBREÁN– 1 BEALTAINE 2016
Strokestown International Poetry Festival Féile Filíochta Idirnáisiúnta Bhéal na mBuillí
Poets and Poetry of Easter Rising Additional event added to annual festival to give suitable expression to the five themes of the 2016 programme of Remember, Reconcile, Imagine, Present and Celebrate.
Filí agus Filíocht Éirí Amach na Cásca Imeacht breise a chuirfear leis an bhféile bhliantúil chun léiriú oiriúnach a dhéanamh ar chúig théama chlár 2016 : Cuimhneamh, Réiteach, Cur i láthair, Samhlú agus Ceiliúradh.
6 & 7 MAY 2016 6 & 7 BEALTAINE 2016
Roscommon Arts Centre Ionad Ealaíon Ros Comáin 
Theatre - Rebel Rebel Lunch Time theatre in association with ANU Productions, Dublin, 24th April, Ireland’s leading actors abandon a matinee of Caitlin Ni Houlihan. Stepping out of their costumes and taking their revolvers from beneath the Abbey Stage, they march to Dublin Castle.‘Rising to the Stage’ Event
An Éirí Amach ar an Stáitse - Rebel Rebel Amharchlann Lunch Time in éineacht le ANU Productions. Baile Átha Cliath, 24ú Aibreán, agus nóinléiriú de Caitlín Ní Houlihan ar siúl, tréigeann aisteoirí cáiliúla a rólanna i lár an dráma chun páirt a ghlacadh san Éirí Amach. Ag breith leo gunnaí a bhí faoi cheilt faoi stáitse na hAmharclainne, mháirseáil siad go Caislteán Bhaile Átha Cliath. Mar chuid d’Imeachtaí ‘Éirí Amach ar an Stáitse’
30 JUNE–8 JULY 2016 30 MEITHEAMH – 8 IÚIL 2016
Strokestown Béal na mBuillí 
Song & Dance Strokestown branch of Comhaltas Ceoltoiri Eireann as part of the Connacht Fleadh Programme showcase the strong musical culture of the period with lectures, workshops, dances and performances.
Amhráin & Rince Cuirfidh brainse Bhéal na mBuillí de Chomhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann cultúr láidir ceoil na tréimhse ar taispeáint mar chuid de Chlár Fhleadh Chonnacht le léachtaí, ceardlanna, rincí agus léiriúcháin.
16 JULY 2016 16 IÚIL 2016
Elphin Community Centre Ionad an Phobail, Ail Finn 
Freedoms Dawn Remembering the Rising in music, song, dance, verse and narrations. Concert to remember those who contributed so much to the revolutionary generation. Performed by local group Oidhreacht
Breacadh na Saoirse Comóradh Éirí Amach na Cásca i gceol, amhránaíocht, rince, filíocht agus scéalaíocht. Ceolchoirm - i gcuimhne orthru siúd a d'íoc go daor as a ról sa réabhlóid. Léirithe ag Oidhreacht.
22–30 JULY 2016 22–30 IÚIL 2016
Boyle, Co. Roscommon Mainistir na Búille 
Boyle Arts Festival & 1916 A range of events as part of the annual festival reflecting on 1916 to include a concert of words and music, talks and local history.
Féile Ealaíne Boyle & 1916 Réimse leathan imeachtaí mar chuid den fhéile bhliaintiúil ag déanamh macnamh ar 1916 le ceolchoirmeacha, cainteanna agus stair áitiúil.
24 AUGUST 2016 24 LÚNASA 2016
HERITAGE WEEK County Library, Roscommon An tSeachtain Oidhreachta Leabharlann an Chontae 
Roscommon Media Archive Highlight interviews from the County Roscommon Folklore & Oral History collection identifying personal insights into the period.
Cartlann Meán Ros Comáin Buaicphointí ó agallaimh as bailiúchán Béaloidis & Stairsheanchais Chontae Ros Comáin ina bhfaightear léargais phearsanta ar an tréimhse.
25 AUGUST 2016 @ 8PM 25 LÚNASA 2016
HERITAGE WEEK Hannons Hotel, Roscommon
Up with the Lark Roscommon Birdwatch in association with Birdwatch Ireland hosting an event looking at Birds and Their Habitats from the perspective of 100 years ago in the County and today
Éirí leis na hÉin Beidh Cairde Éanlaith Ros Comáin i gcomhar le Cairde Éanlaith Éireann ag faire ar éin agus ar a ngnáthóga ó pheirspictíocht 100 bliain ó shin sa Chontae agus sa lá atá inniu ann.
Arts Office Roscommon Co Co Oifig Ealaíon Comhairle Contae Ros Comáin
Captured in Verse and Prose An Arts Office and Roscommon Writers project inviting submissions in poetry and prose responding to the theme of 1916/2016.
Gafa le Véarsa agus le Prós Tionscadal de chuid na hOifige Ealaíon agus Scríbhneoirí Ros Comáin ina gcuirtear fáilte roimh fhilíocht agus prós a fhreagraíonn do théama 1916/2016.
Heritage Office Roscommon Co Co An Oifig Oidhreachta Comhairle Contae Ros Comáin
Heritage Bursaries 2016 Annual Heritage Research Bursary & Community Heritage Bursary themed around Ireland 1916 – 2016. Closing dates for bursary applications 26 February 2016.
Sparánachtaí Oidhreachta 2016 Sparánacht Bhliantúil um Thaighde Oidhreachta agus Sparánacht Oidhreachta Cultúrtha leis an téama Éire 1916–2016.