Global and Diaspora
Éireannaigh ar fud anDomhain agus an Diaspóra
Global participation in local programme involving our various County Roscommon connections abroad is being planned, to promote the Ireland 2016 programme. Invitations to our overseas connections from an historical and cultural connection are included in the Global and Diaspora programme events. The Roscommon International Reunion programme, linked to our twinned towns connections, Roscommon Associations and historical connections with locations throughout the County offer opportunities to welcome visitors to County Roscommon for these unique Ireland 2016 occasions.
21–28 MARCH 2016 21–28 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon,Boyle,Castlerea, Chartrettes, Taughmaconnell, Downey, Tucson Ros Comáin, Mainistir na Búille, An Caisleán Riabhach, Teach Mhic Conaill, Downey, Tucson
Extending the welcome Roscommon International Reunion; Programme of events with Twinning partners and Roscommon Associations worldwide.
Ag Cur Fáilte Cruinniú Idirnáisiúnta; Clár imeachtaí i gcomhair le Coiste Nasctha Bailte Ros Comáin agus na Cumainn Ros Comáin ar fud an domhain.
22 MARCH 2016 @ 2.30PM 21–28 MÁRTA 2016
Civic Offices Oifigí Cathartha
Civic Reception For all visiting groups, Roscommon County Council.
Fáiltiú Cathrach Fáiltiú Cathrach do ghrúpaí cuairteoirí, Comhairle Contae Ros Comáin.
23 MARCH 2016 23 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon County Library Leabharlann an Chontae, Ros Comáin 
Sister Cities/ The Downey Connection/ Chartrettes/ Tuscon/ Nueil Sur Layon/ Tucson Cultural/Artists Exchange and Exhibition.
Comhcathracha/An Ceangal Downey/Chartretes/ Tuscon/Nueil Sur Layon/Tuscon Malartú Cultúrtha/Ealaíontóirí agus taispeántas.
24 MARCH 2016 24 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon & King House, Boyle Ros Comáin & Mainistir na Búille 
The India Connection Margaret Cousins, her role and activity and the development of cultural and academic links between Roscommon and India.
Nasc leis an India Ról agus gníomhaíochtaí Margaret Cousins, an ról agus an méid a rinne sí agus forbairt naisc chultúrtha agus acadúla idir Ros Comáin agus an India.
24 MARCH 2016 24 MÁRTA 2016

Roscommon Reunion Banquet Social and networking opportunity for all Reunion association members and guests.
Fleá an chruinniú Ocáid sóisialta agus deis bualadh le chéile dóibh siúd a bhí páirteach sa chruinniú, idir baill agus cuairteoirí.
26 MARCH 2016 @ 8PM 26 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon Arts Centre Ionad Ealaíon Ros Comáin 
Theatre - Keep the Home Fires Burning Galway Percy French Society and Patrick Kavanagh Western Association remember World War 1 through music, dance, song and story as part of the Roscommon Ireland 2016 Centenary programme. ‘Rising to the Stage’ Event
Amharclann - Keep the Home Fires Burning Cumann Percy French na Gaillimhe agus Cumann Patrick Kavanagh; ag cuimhneamh ar an gCéad Cogadh Domhanda tríd an gceol, rince, amhránaíocht agus scéaltóireacht mar chuid de chlár an chomóraidh. Mar chuid d’Imeachtaí ‘Éirí Amach ar an Stáitse’
MARCH 2016 MÁRTA 2016
Roscommon Town Baile Ros Comáin
Easter Parade Roscommon Town Easter Parade Committee participating in Roscommon Ireland 2016 Programme.
Mórshiúl na Cásca Coiste Mórshiúl na Cásca i Ros Comáin ag glacadh páirte sa chlár 1916.
28 MARCH 2016 @ 12PM 28 MÁRTA 2016 @ 12PM
Sacred Heart Church, Roscommon Town Séipéil an Chroí Ró-Naofa Baile Ros Comáin
Commemoration Mass Commemorative Mass to coincide with Easter Monday outbreak of hostilities in 1916.
Aifreann Comórtha Aifreann Comórtha i gcuimhne ar an Éiri Amach Luain na Cásca 1916.
12–14 AUGUST 2016 12–14 LÚNASA 2016
Rahara Heritage Group Grúpa Oidhreachta Ráth Ara
Bringing it all back home Gathering of past pupils of Rahara National School, research development of the parish in the past 100 years and production of historical booklet.
Ar Theacht Abhaile Dúinn Cruinniú d’iardhaltaí Scoil Náisiúnta Ráth Ara, forbairt taighde maidir leis an bparóiste le 100 bliain anuas agus cruthú leabhráin stairiúil.
King House, Boyle Teach King, Mainistir na Búille 
Visual Arts Exhibition: Nollaig Molloy As part of its International 2016/Global & Diaspora commemorative Programme, Culture Ireland & Roscommon County Council are supporting the exhibition titled Radical Actions at RMIT Gallery, Melbourne. It looks at the role of the artist in imagining future states and the impact that revolution had on citizens. A seminar will be hosted later in the year to expand on the themes.
Taispeántas Ealaíne: Nollaig Molloy Mar chuid de chlár idirnáisiunta Teach King 1916\Global & Diaspora, tá Culture Ireland agus Comhairle Chontae Ros Comáin ag tacú le taispeántas dar teideal 'Radical Action' ag Gailearaí RMIT Melbourne, Samhain 2016. Fiosrófaidh an taispeántas seo ról an ealaíontóra ag samhlú stáit sa todchaí agus tionchar na réabhlóide ar shaoránaigh. Eagrófar seiminéar níos déanaí sa bhliain chun na téamaí seo a phlé.